Specs and Features 
- 2 Axis Rotational Oil Dampening
- Fully Adjustable in both axes.
- Automatic Level Control on all crane arms.
- Smoothes out starts & stops on all Telescopic Cranes.
- Smoothes out pan move starts & stops on all crane arms.
- +/- 75° rotational movement in X & Y axes.
- Reduces nose weight of MovieBird or Techno Cranes by 13,6kg / 30Lbs.
- Eliminates Leveling Gear on MovieBirds
- Greatly reduces dynamic rotational stresses on all crane arms.
- Allows Gyros in Flight Heads to work more efficiently.
- Payload capacity up to 100 kg.
- MovieBird/ Techno Nose Mount only 9.6 kg.
- Temperature range from -100 °C up to +100 °С.
Mounts MovieBird 45′-30′-17′
Mounting: Mitchell to Mitchell, Filmotechnic to Mitchell, Mitchell to Filmotechnic.